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"The Emperor of Atlantis "
Theater and Philharmonic Thuringia 2019

"Schuhmacher inszeniert mit großer Klarheit, mit direkter, nicht selten origineller Personenführung und einfachen, so sinnlichen wie signifikanten Gruppenbewegungen."

Andreas Falentin, Die Deutsche Bühne

"Die Story selbst, von Regisseurin Kai Anne Schuhmacher und ihrem Ausstatter- und Videoteam aufwendig und bildmächtig, dabei mit wenigen zeichenhaften Versatzstücken klar illustriert, folgt Verdis dramaturgischer Anordnung und verweist auch auf das zugrunde liegende "Original" von Shakespeare. Akzentverschiebungen sorgen dennoch für eine neue Gewichtung.."

Karl Harb, Salzburger Nachrichten

"Regisseurin Kai Anne Schuhmacher ist klug genug, das Gute nicht plakativ gegen das Böse auszustellen. Ihre bildmächtige Inszenierung bleibt im Kern abstrakt und so offen vielseitig wie Bernhard Langs Komponieren."

Albrecht Thiemann, Opernwelt

"So entstehen von Kai Anne Schuhmacher puristisch aber nicht lieblos inszenierte Ruhepunkte, die der gerafften, um Richtung bemühten Stücküberschreibung an Direktheit überlegen sind. Und so vielleicht auch für junge Menschen, bildungsnahe wie bildungsferne, ein Türchen öffnen können, sei es nun ins Stadttheater oder auch in die klassische Literatur oder Musik. Dass dieser Weg so gelassen beschritten, diese Karte so unprätentiös gespielt wurde, ist vielleicht die größte Stärke dieses ungewöhnlichen Theaterabends.“

Die Deutsche Bühne

"The Emperor of Atlantis "
Theater and Philharmonic Thuringia 2019

With the “Emperor of Atlantis”, the Altenburg Gera theater has brought a production onto the stage that unites the most varied of disciplines and scratches their perfection.

Leipziger Volkszeitung

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"The Emperor of Atlantis "
Theater and Philharmonic Thuringia 2019

With the “Emperor of Atlantis”, the Altenburg Gera theater has brought a production onto the stage that unites the most varied of disciplines and scratches their perfection.

Leipziger Volkszeitung

"So much for those shrill scenes with people

- and puppet beings in an abandoned factory numb our eyes and catchy jazz rhythms and harmonic experimentation blind our ears, live through and suffer this great hour of art as if in civilizational paralysis (...) In an excellent ensemble performance of music and puppet theater the Gera-Altenburgers conjure up this puzzling nightmare on stage. "

East Thuringian Newspaper

"The Emperor of Atlantis "
Theater and Philharmonic Thuringia 2019

With the “Emperor of Atlantis”, the Altenburg Gera theater has brought a production onto the stage that unites the most varied of disciplines and scratches their perfection.

Leipziger Volkszeitung

"So much for those shrill scenes with people

- and puppet beings in an abandoned factory numb our eyes and catchy jazz rhythms and harmonic experimentation blind our ears, live through and suffer this great hour of art as if in civilizational paralysis (...) In an excellent ensemble performance of music and puppet theater the Gera-Altenburgers conjure up this puzzling nightmare on stage. "

East Thuringian Newspaper

"The Emperor of Atlantis "
Theater and Philharmonic Thuringia 2019

With the “Emperor of Atlantis”, the Altenburg Gera theater has brought a production onto the stage that unites the most varied of disciplines and scratches their perfection.

Leipziger Volkszeitung

"So much for those shrill scenes with people

- and puppet beings in an abandoned factory numb our eyes and catchy jazz rhythms and harmonic experimentation blind our ears, live through and suffer this great hour of art as if in civilizational paralysis (...) In an excellent ensemble performance of music and puppet theater the Gera-Altenburgers conjure up this puzzling nightmare on stage. "

East Thuringian Newspaper

"The Misanthrope "
Theater and Philharmonic Thuringia 2018

Kai Anne Schuhmacher has succeeded in creating an aesthetically well-composed staging. Everything appears to be from one piece. Absolutely worth seeing!

Thuringian General

"Sensitively and yet not superficially, the music supports the mood of the actors, underlines scenes and incidents, is included in the plot. A great and extraordinary production that deserves applause."

New Gera

" Poet. Love! -
or The Poet's Journey "
Schumann Festival Bonn 2018

"A total work of art that has absolutely nothing to do with a recital of the classical style, a concert format that reflects the genre in a new way and puts the apparently well-known in a fertile context." "

General Gazette Bonn

"Hoffmann's Tales" Cologne Opera 2017

"All these magical details of the staging can hardly be adequately appreciated in a verbal description - you just have to see them. Kai Anne Schumacher deserves an extraordinary compliment for her recent work (based on Britten's fascinating interpretation of The Rape of Lucretia)."

theater: pure

"Fantastic trip to dreamland. Kai Anne Schuhmacher staged colorful and original"

Choices Culture Cologne

"In the new, one-hour version, all the important musical highlights of the work can be found and are put in a completely new light in a colorful stage event including the great puppets."

RP Cologne

"The staging, which comes up with strong images, skilfully blends in with political and psychological motifs, also sets striking interpretive accents."

Cologne city gazette

"Atmospherically, the chamber opera" The Rape of Lucretia "is a real gain from the very first picture. Kai Anne Schuhmacher translated" Seas of Tears "into poignant scenes. The audience reacted enthusiastically."

Kölnische Rundschau

"Kai Anne Schuhmacher succeeds in doing something that has become rare in today's staging practice: nuances and in-depth hints that do not always have to have concrete evidence."

Online marker

"The Rape of Lucretia" Cologne Opera 2016
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